How to Respond to & Prevent False Alarms

It is inevitable at some point, you or a family member may accidentally activate your alarm. In fact, between 94-99% of all burglar alarms turn out to be false alarms. So what do you do in the event you unintentionally set off your system? How do you respond?
Contact the Monitoring Center Immediately
Call our monitoring center at 800-286-5699 and inform the operator of what happened. Be sure to have your passcode ready to verify your identity.

You can also report a false alarm directly from your app! When your alarm is triggered, press and hold either “Cancel Alarm” or “Verify Alarm” to notify the monitoring center.
False Alarm Prevention
Bluetooth Disarming
AlarmSouth’s IQ2 alarm panel offers a convenient new feature called Bluetooth Disarming. Effortlessly arm and disarm your system with your phone!
System Delay Time
Consider the delay time on your system for entry and exit. Are you allowing yourself the proper amount of time to arm and disarm?
Check Doors & Windows
In some scenarios, an open door or window could cause an alarm to activate. Before arming your system, ensure all your doors and windows are locked and secure.
During an installation, your technician will educate you on best practices and correct operation of your system. Our support team is also available to help answer any questions you have with your system.